St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School

Port Hedland

35 Sutherland Street 
Tel:  (08) 9174 7000 


St Cecilia's

Catholic Primary School

Port Hedland


Family &

Welcome to Kindergarten

Welcome to St Cecilia’s Kindergarten. The Kindergarten Teaching Team are delighted to welcome our new Kindergarten students and their families to St Cecilia’s. We are certain that Kindergarten will be a fun and exciting year for everyone

What are fine motor skills?

Fine motor skills involve the small muscles of the body. The coordination of these small muscles are required for small movements like cutting, writing, opening water bottles, tying shoes, etc. Young children benefit from daily practice to help develop fine motor skills in their hands and fingers. Strengthening these skills are important because they directly impact how well a child can write as well as increases their stamina for writing.



Reading With Your Child

Twenty minutes a day is all it takes to develop key reading skills with your child. Here are seven ways to build a better reader from birth!



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