St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School

Port Hedland

35 Sutherland Street 
Tel:  (08) 9174 7000 


St Cecilia's

Catholic Primary School

Port Hedland


Family &

Welcome to Pre-Primary

Term 1 Overview

Welcome! My name is Miss Joanne Carlos and I am delighted to be your child’s Pre Primary teacher. I truly believe that children teach us, just as much as we teach them. I have a Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Behavioural Science. Thank you for the many ways you help your child to learn and grow. I look forward to working with you throughout the year to best support your child’s needs and interests.

Helping Your Child to Read - 1

When helping your child read at home, several strategies may be used to assist in working out unknown words

Helping Your Child to Read - 2

Twenty minutes a day is all it takes to develop key reading skills with your child. Here are seven ways to build a better reader from birth!

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